Friday, December 6, 2013

E-Publishing in Africa

I found a news article that I thought was pretty interesting. It came off of BBC news. It is called “Will e-publishing help Africa switch onto reading?” It is about bringing e-publishing into Africa. The goal of doing this to get children and adults to enjoy reading by not reading the typical book. They feel that by having these E-Readers people of Africa will like it more because they are going to be able to do more on their E-Reader than just read. They are able to use the internet and listen to music also. Although not necessarily a good thing that the E-Readers will raise internet and cause more people to use smart phones, people feel that by introducing this more and more in Africa it might actually help them in a positive way rather than a negative way. Not only will this encourage people to read, but it will also save many African's money because it is very expensive to import books into Africa. E-Readers has hundreds of free books so it will be little to no cost too download a book to read it.
The increase in worldwide internet usage since the beginning off this millennium has increased by 556% which is a huge amount. When you look at Africa alone, they have increased by 3,606% in internet usage. This is why they feel it would be smart to bring e-publishing to Africa. More people have smart phones so they are more likely going encourage people to read because of this. This is the link to the news article where it explains so much more on the topic.The picture is also from this news article.

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